
Happy Valentine's Day, y'all. No homo.

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@RoninGrey Didn't MGTOW co-opt Valentines day, or do we just do Valentines with our waifus now?

@DoubleD @RoninGrey
Could Valentine's day be more MGTOW than having a romantic holiday with your perfect waifu?

@Zeb @RoninGrey Nope! It's even more romantic because she loves you like no female human can.

@UncleIroh @Lorgar @RoninGrey You know how females sell used panties? We can sell musky three day work shirts to clothe their pillows. ;D

@white_male @Lorgar @RoninGrey

That would actually sell. They love men's shirts and oversized sweaters.

Although I never understood guys who buy used panties. To my mind it doesn't count unless they were won in battle.

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