
I've taken over 2 admin positions in my past which were previously staffed by women. Each time I amazed supervisors by how much work I would get done and how I could actually solve and prevent problems and stay organized. They were WOWED by common sense adulthood.

Today I still deal with female admins who get frustrated if they have to read more than one email on a given topic. I literally list and number items in red, and they still get confused, then sassy. I'm hoping they get replaced by AI.

@RoninGrey Worked with multiple females in management positions. They put on a facade of professionalism, but hang around them long enough and you'll witness them behave like children and/or whine. I'm talking adult women aged 40+.

Firsthand experience is the best redpill.

@ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey

In my experience women will spend far more time/energy (which equals $) trying to look like they’re doing something and causing friction than getting any work done or cooperating.

@southpole21 @RoninGrey Depends on the type of job, I guess. I'm talking about women who are professionals. If you just interacted with them in the normal course of business, and that's it, you'd think they were competent and impressive.

I have been around them long enough to see that illusion shattered. I've seen the emperor have no clothes. It's hard to respect them after they behave like children in front of you.

@ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey

That’s what I’m talking about. Women in professional settings who are masters at managing their image but are really petty, incompetent and selfish children. They conceal their crazy but eventually it shows itself.

@RoninGrey Admin is a necessary task that frees up leadership for making important decisions and strategies; so, one day it will be dominated by AI, InshAllah. I'm fine with female admins, as long as they're AI.

@RoninGrey That's why every man becomes more misogynist as they age: the more you see women over time, the more you dislike them. Firsthand experience really is the best redpill.

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