Lots of people complaining about The Acolyte and Star Wars canon who loved the prequels, and didn't care about how the prequels did so much that didn't make sense or outright retconned cool things into stupid, worse things.

I'm an OT-only guy, myself. Non-specialized edition.

@RoninGrey The prequels made Star Wars better and were created with love, unlike anything Disney made. There were always bad decisions, it didn't start with the prequels. Take episode VI for instance. It's full of laziness and bad choices. From Luke's nonsensical plan to save Han that is nothing more than an excuse for the writers to utilize multiple sets, another freaking Death Star, to the whole Ewok battle, very few moments in that movie were anything more than fluff.

@RoninGrey Then you have Force Ghosts. The concept was fine in episode IV, a Jedi could slightly prolong their conscience just long enough to offer some guidance to the next generation. But by episode VI, it's clear Jedi are immortal, which not only cheapens death itself but goes against their entire philosophy of accepting death, becoming one with the Force and letting go. Talk about bad writing.

Rejecting the prequels while being a fan of episode 6 is honestly laughable.

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