@Tfmonkey convinced me. I just bought HeroQuest for $50 brand new. Looking forward to playing!
Guys, if you have a moment, instead of watching tons of tv or playing videogames nonstop this summer, take a chance and try something new. Go to the library. I've been learning how to care for cows, learning Russian through Memrise, playing bass, & took a $5 4-session fencing class for beginners.
*Side note -- dueling a left-handed swordsman is completely different than a southpaw boxer. It's freaky!
@Stahesh Yeah, sometimes the next best thing is to just watch someone giving summaries on YouTube / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble. You can also try setting aside time on your calendar as if it were a real class you have to study for (even just 15 minutes of no distractions once a week), or try reading while you poop, or try an e-reader text-to-speech thing.
@RoninGrey When I want to do something but do not have energy I do nothing to recharge my focus and energy.
I try to do one day of high activity and one day of low activity to have rest day after workout. But found out it is good to do for your brain too not only for your body to have rest days.
I have hard time to do nothing even I could push myself to workout every day. but focus and thinking suffers because of it.