All you Christian-hating faggots have no idea what's up around here.

Homesteading, gun-toting, freedom-loving, anti-government, pro-family, patriarchal homeschoolers here--who would be ALLIES to you--are nearly always God-loving Christians who ALSO reject the modern church, wokeism, and Israel.

You don't understand nuance, nor how many of us there are. You're a useless, mindless retard who can't think for himself and slaps away the hands of friends. Strong friends, wiser and bolder than you.

@RoninGrey, did you have a rough encounter today? You're more aggressive than usual.


@DoubleD No, I just keep meeting more and more of us and then I get online and see would-be allies foaming at the mouth like stupid, rabid dogs because of their brain rot.

In the end, you'll have the community you worked to create. If you didn't bother searching for anything besides Scandanavian atheists as your main filter, good luck to you.

Like on the fediverse, you'll have to accept flat-earthers. But they will actually care about you and are cool as hell and otherwise competent, real men.

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