
All you Christian-hating faggots have no idea what's up around here.

Homesteading, gun-toting, freedom-loving, anti-government, pro-family, patriarchal homeschoolers here--who would be ALLIES to you--are nearly always God-loving Christians who ALSO reject the modern church, wokeism, and Israel.

You don't understand nuance, nor how many of us there are. You're a useless, mindless retard who can't think for himself and slaps away the hands of friends. Strong friends, wiser and bolder than you.

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Amen brother. They think everyone's a Jewcum-guzzling cuck evangelist like Mike Johnson when it's more like Thomas Massie.

Psyopped into Adam Green clones.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey Fuck christianity fuck jesus and fuck Abrahamic religions

I would be more for pagans, cults, Taoism and others.

@Stahesh @UncleIroh @RoninGrey If only modern pagans didn't keep cutting themselves on all that edge. (This is a joke.)

@DoubleD @UncleIroh @RoninGrey True most religions become just random joke.

Most people that act too religios are just cringe

@RoninGrey My own views is a mix, I don't believe in Christianity, nor do I specifically "like it." But the Christians on our side are cool and I've no quarl if they've none with me.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @RoninGrey Are the ((( christians ))) really on 'our side'

They support the state

They support womens 'rights'

They support 99% of current thing
@charliebrownau @RoninGrey VERY much varries person for person and a vast majority are retarded no doubt, same with people as a whole now that I think about it lol
Tbh Witch Hunter, Even though you're a Atheist, I think you're the coolest one i know. :)

@RoninGrey, did you have a rough encounter today? You're more aggressive than usual.

@DoubleD No, I just keep meeting more and more of us and then I get online and see would-be allies foaming at the mouth like stupid, rabid dogs because of their brain rot.

In the end, you'll have the community you worked to create. If you didn't bother searching for anything besides Scandanavian atheists as your main filter, good luck to you.

Like on the fediverse, you'll have to accept flat-earthers. But they will actually care about you and are cool as hell and otherwise competent, real men.

@DoubleD It's just nonstop with these idiots. They're like the people who have TDS.

I accept my retard pastor because the congregation itself has based, real men who aren't SJWs. They handle their women and children just as well as they handle their weapons and run their gardens and animals.

Go where the men are. Sometimes they're behind a door you wouldn't expect to find them.

@RoninGrey I support your pragmatic approach. You are fortunate to have found such a group of those who worth befriending. We have far too few allies to be picky when it comes to small details.

@RoninGrey I'm glad you've found a group you think is based, but keep your expectations in check. A lot of people pretend to be based until you start expecting them to actually be based.

The pastor is a huge tip-off. If these men really were that based, he wouldn't be there. The congregation can replace the pastor. Also the pastor can do a lot of harm, such as concealing adultery.

And then there's the matter of what he thinks of you. You might accept him, but he doesn't accept you.

@Mongoliaboo We tolerate each other. We both know that he's not my type of person and I'm not his type.

Thank you for the words of wisdom. I can tell it's coming from a place of "stay frosty."

The guys and I definitely talk outside of church when we hang out. Some are from other churches.

The pastor is a new pastor who just started a year ago. Hired mostly by the people who are definitely kind, loving, joyful, giving people, but also a bit ignorant and not really the people I hang out with.

@RoninGrey I got no context, but something here doesn't seem right:
"calls random people faggots and retards"
"accuses them of slapping away the hands of others"

Modern Church aside, Christianity is responsible for destroying European religion/culture and spreading Torah nonsense about messiahs, creationism, judgement day, etc. It brought war and darkness to the West. There's little I can say that's good about it.

Doesn't mean I hate Christians, but I sure am glad their religion is dying.

@Based_Accelerationist Yes, I remember how peaceful the world was before Christianity.

@RoninGrey Plentyo fo internet retard atheists around.

@RoninGrey Just to be clear, my problem isn't with Christians per se. Its the 501c3 entities and the con artists that run them. Joel Olsteen Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn are just a few that come to mind.

Maybe we dont see things eye to eye on a spiritual level but I'd consider you an ally nevertheless

@marlathetourist Even the simp feminist churches reject Osteen and anyone teaching a "God wants to make you rich, just give me money" message. It's disgusting what the face of popular Christianity become.

Me and mine do not accept, condone, nor assist any of that garbage. We actively teach against it. We otherwise stay mostly quiet and use our own funds and hands to help others. I STRONGLY disagree with my own pastor who thinks Christians should force change by government.

@marlathetourist I WISH we would all lose our tax exempt status. I've made plenty of eyebrows raise in churches when I speak about these things. I had to learn to find the men, not the ministers.

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