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Ronin Grey boosted

Declaring war on a population of people who wholeheartedly believe in and prepare for a full-on "end times" collapse isn't the same as sneak-attacking 3 senior citizens and 3 children in a 200-student Elementary school atop a small hill, you faggot necromorph abomination piece of shit. This is stupid even for a mentally ill literal-incel retard. Especially when enemy troons are so easy to identify.

Ronin Grey boosted

I guess if the feds are looking for the mentally ill to turn into shooters, they are abundant these days, and it's pretty easy to spot a certain group of mentally ill incels now.

Ronin Grey boosted

@Tfmonkey Is this the one you recommended a while back in a comment section somewhere? I used that free Microsoft XBox screen recorder that came already installed on my laptop to capture some YouTube footage and it was total ass.

Mainstream Media doing a TikTok dance with their employees when they have literally any story whatsoever:

"Spin it! Let's begin it! Bear and grin it when you're in it! You can win it in a minute when you spin it, spin it, spin it! HA HA HA! (So spin it!) Tale Spin!"

I thought the 3 Laws of Robotics were:

1) If she uses binary code, she needs a sticky load.

2) If her vagina's insertable, she's good and squirtable.

3) If there's a SpRoPu, blast it like Goku.

How did Naruto start as a "Japanese village with ninjas and mysticism" but end up turning into an "Everyone ends up piloting giant mechs but they're made of chakra" mech show?

HR is staffed with women, who only want the PERFECT candidate.

Worse, I was once even rejected because I used a comparison, and was told I used the answer to "beat up on my ex." No, I didn't. And you don't even know her. It was an EXAMPLE, and we are friends. They also never asked direct questions, but rather wanted you to answer the question they were THINKING, not the question asked.

I KNEW when I walked in that I was in trouble when I saw the people who were going to be interviewing me.

I fucking called this shit. Too many people were perfectly qualified, nailed interviews, and never heard back. And I keep seeing "urgently hiring" but the same job still available months later. I actually heard someone say that they didn't hire new grads for entry level positions even with degrees in the field because they didn't want to "babysit for 6 months." Well, everyone with experience is already working for your competitors or for you. So WTF do you wanna do?

This lady got laughs for a second there. The anchor should have known something was wrong right away, because women aren't funny. via bitslide

Target has all these fat mannequins displaying clothes for fat bitches . . . but all I see is fat bitches shopping, buying, and wearing from the human-sized section.

Maybe they should try the less subtle approach and just spray a mist in the fat section that smells like cupcakes.

Same type of person who likely believed that flu infections were cut to near-zero for one year -- while COVID was raging -- "because masks work."

Ronin Grey boosted
So TikTok introduced a filter which makes you look younger. It's breaking women and it's hilarious. There are more inn the thread.
Ronin Grey boosted
Ronin Grey boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.