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This LibsOfTikTok bitch is really proud of marching for Israel, especially for how peaceful it was.

THAT will show Hamas(!)

Fucking Rightoids. They're so proud of being smarter than Leftards . . . It's not that high of a bar, dude.

How's voting for the lesser of two evils for decades working for ya? And now your politicians are pro-abortion, thirsty for war, ignoring Jan 6 victims, calling for censorship, and turning on your Trump -- because THEY ARE DEMOCRATS, you useless fags!

[End Scene]

Holy shit! 🤣

The Russian text says "gender equality"

I got a "heyy!" with 2 Y's as a reply to a work text. Is that too many Y's? Do I need to pull the ol' "Give-em-the-ick" on her to make sure she chills out? Or is that just how women in their 20's talk now?

I don't generally like giving out unecessary icks.

@VooDooMedic I just discovered what you guys call "goon" apparently. I'd never heard this. Where I'm from "goon" means like one of a villain's henchmen or, more recently, a self-nickname used by some Boogaloo Bois back in 2020. In both cases it could be linked to mean a cannon-fodder "bad guy." Kind of like "thug" and how it is a label sometimes taken with pride. They can sometimes be used as a verb, too. And apparently it also has a sexual meaning now thanks to Zoomers.

Things are so bad now that politicians fucking high-end adult prostitutes is very low on my list of problems to solve.

Holy shit, you guys. This guy's presentation / manner is almost refreshing to hear. I had some laughs I'm not necessarily proud of.

I have no excuse for this. I have only a reason -- a pun that wouldn't leave my head.

This audio clip was too good not to play around with.

Alphabetically, "Allowed" starts with "A" because Allowed or not, that ain't the end of it.

Make your own decisions about how to take care of yourself.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.