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Happy TFM JQ Day. May we always be blessed enough to unmask the true enemy among us.

This dumb fucking bitch on this commercial . . . Her baby was "not going to survive" so she had to drive out of Texas for "live saving care."

What the FUCK are you talking about, you empty-headed bitch? Literally "nonsense" logic.

This is 100% real. I have been to this coin shop and met this owner and his assistant. 🤣

Holy shit.

I even call Irene "Strawberry" as a nickname.

Unreal. For once, I may get the set. is the replacement for aniwave, if anyone is interested.

New "compliance" trainee was hired on site. I'm pretty sure she's literally a gorilla. The keyboard player from Showbiz Pizza had more expression in its face and thoughts behind it than this blank-staring individual.

Someone just made a joke, too. And this thing is the only one in a room of 50 people who kept the same blank, lost expression. Not even a smirk. The only movement I've seen from this NPC is scratching its face and SOMETIMES turning the head left or right. It's a zombie.

Ronin Grey boosted

Just saw this on IG. Walmart really went out of their way to apply labels and did it like this. My favorite turtle was always "Blue" of course. Remember when Red and Blue fought in that movie?

If you tie with a Half Windsor-type of knot it likely looks like dogshit.

Don't use that sloppy ass-fart of a tie knot anymore.

Look at the fucking difference.

I also prefer it without a divot / crease.

If you HAVE to or WANT to wear a tie, you should look like a man who knows what he's doing.

@Tfmonkey What was the ai art generator you use, again? Been a long time since I tried it.

Raccoons have a penis bone. This, however, was not part of my prompt.

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The only art style so far that will actually do closed-eyed laughter is the "furry" one, and it's obvious it's a furry style.

Literal Assasination Attempt: (happens)

The Right: Gays, sluts, Israel, and minorities! WOOOOOOOO! Let's fuckin' goooooooo! I'm gonna vooooooooote!

I hate how pussies have all decided to grow beards and get tattoos and drink their shit beer to mimic men.

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This fucking retard is still bragging -- in 2024 -- about how he freaked out over not having a mask and carved up a Santa hat to make sure he wore one.

HE USED ONE OF HIS SHOE LACES and spent time MacGuyvering a mask because his car stock of masks was empty.

Ronin Grey boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.