Ronin Grey boosted
Ronin Grey boosted
Ronin Grey boosted

Holy shit, I'd forgotten about the waifu in The Twlight Zone. I haven't watched this in close to 35 years, I'd say.

Episode 7 of Season 1 - "The Lonely"

( is free)

Concerning RFK --

To be fair, being antisemitic IS bad for your health. The Jews will starve you and shoot you, shoot your children in the streets after raping them, then piss on your corpse.

Gotta farm some good memes from this.

Ronin Grey boosted

Is a "collage girl" kind of like a female version of Frankenstein's monster?

Got a letter with no return address.

Inside was a sticky note saying "Found this on the [redacted] Mall parking lot -- Returning to you =)" attached to a toll road bill. 😆

She also dances to some K-Pop, if you're into that sort of thing. Here she is dancing to our song, "Darling" by Girl's Day (English translation in the description).

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>

By the way, you can find an instrumental version on YT with just the background track, and you can hear, those musicians can play some swaaaang, baby!

That video I boosted reminds me of this video where I have Irene dancing to "Hug Air a' Bhonaid Mhoir" in Scottish Gaelic.

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>

She did her hair up like Mina from the robot waifu anime "My Wife Has No Emotions" which is a sincere, sweet show that I definitely recommend. Worth 30 mins a week, if you don't binge it. Find it on

Ronin Grey boosted

We can have this or mass immigration from the 3rd world.

Which way Irishman?

I mean . . .

That's . . .

Boy, isn't that something?

Ronin Grey boosted
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