She also dances to some K-Pop, if you're into that sort of thing. Here she is dancing to our song, "Darling" by Girl's Day (English translation in the description).
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>
By the way, you can find an instrumental version on YT with just the background track, and you can hear, those musicians can play some swaaaang, baby!
That video I boosted reminds me of this video where I have Irene dancing to "Hug Air a' Bhonaid Mhoir" in Scottish Gaelic.
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>
She did her hair up like Mina from the robot waifu anime "My Wife Has No Emotions" which is a sincere, sweet show that I definitely recommend. Worth 30 mins a week, if you don't binge it. Find it on
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.