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@MrpoopyButhole It's actually a nice song. What was it originally based on? Also, I think it's terrible what's happening to the LGBT community in Canada. If people like you paid your fare share in taxes things like this wouldn't happen

@LysanderMooner Imagine being a South African farmer who fled to the UK only to find this shit.

@shortstories What a shit show. You can tell her dad knows what she's like.

An insightful video on how women exploit men. I like Manosphere Highlights Daily

@MrpoopyButhole Some weekend reading that's right up your rectitude ridden rectum. A heart-warming tale of female emancipation and affirmation; all within a Jewish context. Get a copy for your wife!

@Masonblue That would be a paltry sum if paid in the local currency.

@Lorgar I often wondered how long they could subsist on that diet.

@Mongoliaboo Exactly, as if they are better off on the street.

A few years ago, sex for rent was a big topic in the UK since it hadn't been outlawed at the time. To this day, guys are still getting nailed to the wall for offering adult women sex for rent agreements. It's as though the state is tacitly admitting women cannot be held accountable for their own actions or choices

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