@Tfmonkey Tuned in this week. Worth it.

TFM: guyz pls hear me out don't react emotionally u guyz pls just listen to what I have to say okay so here goes

blah blah blah

[10 minute long winded explanation intensifies]

... so that is why Russia needs to get Iran to threaten to nuke israel.

90% of people listening to your proposal:

@Tfmonkey The idea is cute, but I'm gonna get real for a moment. It's a pipe dream. I'd like to remind you there are a lot of jews in Russia, and what you're asking for would have huge domestic political implications in Russia. Just as an supplementary point I recall Josh Moon, owner of Kiwi Farms, talking about how holocaust memes that side with the nazis are illegal and the internet is heavily censored there.

I'm to be the bearer of bad news again but Russia will not allow Iran to nuke israel

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