@MrpoopyButhole You know how different groups have different virtue signals? Leftists just spout muh diversity and inclusivity. Conservatives just say god, guns and country to let their own know where they stand.

In individualist circles, would you say telling everyone that you try to think for yourself and do free thinker thinking stuff is a virtue signal to the group?

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole

Libertarians and individualists by definition care the least about signalling to the group. They know that the collective noun for a group of individualists is called an "oxymoron".

Also, history proves that only religions have the power to bind groups across the span of centuries.

@MrpoopyButhole @UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan the first Buddah was a Aryan,prince with blue eyes and practitioner of B’on a true Israelite tribal religion of the deer.

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