Remember, everyone. @Tfmonkey is NOT FAT. Do NOT call him FAT or make fun of him for taking drugs meant for FAT people.

STOP IT! Do NOT call him FAT anymore. It gets to him.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Why is he taking pills that enable him to starve himself? I remember he said he ate just a slice of pizza and one other thing for an entire day. He's abusing his body to try to look a certain way, not healthy at all, and who knows what the side effects of this drug are.

@Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey There's no point arguing about it. He'll be the human experiment. He'll make videos reviewing the product. Then he'll stop buying it because it's fucking expensive.

Just let go and accept this is what will happen.


@ButtWorldsMan @Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey Key expensive ingredients Adrenochrome , Ozempic is promoted by Oprah,enjoy your new youthful thin look with dead baby stem cells

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