@Tfmonkey TFM: Thank you for powering through the Turd Flinging Monkey Show despite your debilitating pain. I understand how much you care; for The Country and for the few Men who listen in. I do hope your situation improves. Thank you, again, TFM.


@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey The struggle was real,whenever Celestina is being a diva and won't read super chats you can tell your blood pressure goes up,and with the inflammation pain and all the other worldly assaults that can happen to us men,I never intend to frustrate you with my conspiracy bullshit,I genuinely gain knowledge of the markets and gleam geo political nuggets from you that set me on these paths,And value your wisdom,thank you for your service

@Scubbie @sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey
The great copium shortage of 2024. Noone is coming to save you and escapism doesn't exist to pass the time between today and the end of humanity.

@Scubbie @sardonicsmile your conspiracy theories are fine. You're just obsessed with carbon credits for some reason and can't accept that BRICS isn't going to be the West's bitch anymore because of Ukraine.

@Tfmonkey @Scubbie @sardonicsmile
I like scubbie's conspiracies and think most of them are on the right track. Imo the reason Scubbie believes that is because he doesn't live in a brics nation...the only reason third world countries pretend to go along with the west is money, basically to get dollars.

Brics are hookers; they will tell they love you while you drop stacks of cash but will stab, drug and rob your kidneys the moment you stop.

@Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile BRICS are not anti-imperialist,they are sub-imperialist, their directors at the Bretton Woods Institutions backed by central banks? NDB/IMF loans subject to New York credit ratings agencies,Putin on Russian debt nothing really happen as a direct result,why does he actually want to resume repayment? BRICS banks and corporates are so reliant upon Western trade, investment and finance as a sub-imperial force (albeit with features of “antagonistic cooperation”)

@apopheniac @Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile Yep,I have gone deep diving into the BRICS rabbit hole looking for hope,and realized it is just more of the same,same of the Regime disguised as hopium to extort resources from developing nations,and what they have planned is to use that deception to gather all nations into digital Blockchain commodities exchange based off de dollarization and save the planet climate change carbon credit investing,How can I profit of this is my dilemma,so follow the money

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