This guy pretty much sums it up, an honest person who knows about the JQ doesn't vote for Trump.

He's, by far, the worst choice due to his sway over Americans. Yes, they're all zionist puppets, but only one politician has the legitimate support of tons of (Christian) fighting age men who are ready to die in Israel's wars under the right circumstances.

Little else matters compared to this. And those who think Trump will magically fix inflation or the economy, are in for a huge disappointment.

@Based_Accelerationist It may look like the boomers may be prowar with Trump, but I have yet to meet a single guy, or christian guy who is of fighting age that will fight a war for Trump that is not a civil war. Trump isn't convincing anyone to gp die in a foreign war.

@Based_Accelerationist I haven't seen this sentiment anywhere either. It's made up bullshit. I'm not even a huge fan of Trump either. The only people fighting age Christian men want to fight at this point are not people abroad. It is either immigrants or doing the thing. But what I will say is that nobody wants to do so without a leader. Because obviously no single man action will do anything. But aside from actual feds there's nobody IRL, in my normie circles, of any kind that will die abroad.


@FinalDresdonation @Based_Accelerationist won't matter tranny controlled drones is the future of the military

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