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I just wanna share how happy I am to share my thoughts during the end of the world with everyone here and how long these time traveling CIA Mossad entities have been trying to control my world Shifting through time trying to stop this from happening even though it’s inevitable their Fuckery can only be covered up for so long before the truth in time will set you free

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@MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan

OK, i've read the thread and get the references now.

have to admit, i burst out laughing at @ButtWorldsMan's "spastic gigafaggot". fucking class, i'm stealing that.


as a 3rd party to this teenage girl slumber party gone wrong, i must point out that you two could also have pushed your egos so far up TFM's butthole that you can't tell when someone's trying to do him a good turn.

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If they take Control of the temple mound Then Israel will destroy the rock of the dome as they want to so they can fulfill their prophecy and rebuild their temple remember this cult Has made a deal with the devil for power on earth and they have to rebuild their temple before their Messiah or the antichrist can sit in power

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Only way to stop Nigger violence legally is Llegal Nigger violence.. So it is legal to let Niggers spit on white folks I think MLK Speech about black and whit black playing didn’t include bodily fluids , except for niggas ducking white hoes which we accepted

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.