My Nigga
Florida man and daughters take out cop then themselves,media claims anti government reality just Meth
satellogiic satellites will police countries and companies Carbon footprint according to the Paris Accord
I can feed her she can be saved,lol
@Tfmonkey Harris is listed as a candidate on the Biden for President account. And under federal law, “any campaign depository designated by the principal campaign committee of a political party’s candidate for President shall be the campaign depository for that political party’s candidate for the office
Contributions to other federal candidates or committees would be subject to contribution now you know why she is nominee
Be me pick teen daughter up for scheduled custody,Ask do you want to go see newest movie?Her let me see if I can pirates it, frantically typing into phone,me what,it just came out you won’t be able to…her got it, me no way,her there is like 14 sites I can find stuff,wait let me make sure it’s in English,it is with Indian subtitles,me so proud of her,Indians that figures,her what is wrong with Indians,me glad you asked their disgusting just google Indians and poop,dot not Feather
A useful and short primer on BRICS and global economics from sanctions expert Jim Rickard.
@Tfmonkey * Attracting private capital at scale. We are working to increase our mobilization of private capital, including for climate. Activities include enabling regulatory environments that remove distorting subsidies and require or reward green investments; greening local financial systems; developing pipelines of climate and green investments; addressing currency exchange risks; and developing innovative instruments, including blended finance, and carbon pricing instruments
@Tfmonkey COP 29 is after US elections in Azerbaijan read the Attracting private capital at scale section of the article above what a great place and time to sign a treaty changing the Banking system backed by Carbon Credits in a block chain involving the UN and NDB(BRICS)they been planning it for years
Don’t play into the media game,don’t join groups they are riddled with feds and don’t March and protest
We’re trending
Danger, nightmare
Doomsday, nightmare
Murder, nightmare
Nightmare, nightmare
They'll fuck with me subliminally
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums