@sardonicsmile I am always impresed by asians and how they can handle their studies in system that push them only for best grades.

I personally would not make it. If I was asian.

I always learned the bare minimum so I could pass.

@Stahesh @sardonicsmile

A large part of the reason for Asian's increased fluency in arithmetic is because their number system is so logical. It reduces barriers to speed when learning and makes it easier to get fast.

For example, they have numbers 1 to 10, and then for the numbers 11-19, they just go "10-1, 10-2, 10-3", etc..

And then for 20, they just go "2-10". etc..
ounting to 100 is a series of adding and multiplying.

We on the other hand have to learn odd words like eleven.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh. This narcissistic female does NOT care about the students. She is using them as dancing clowns to aggrandise herself and promote herself.
See how thoughtful and observant that Asian trachers was. Sitting quietly and observing the student for competence. The camera was focused on the student, only.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh

I don't really care. I don't regard that black woman as a teacher, or recognize that building as a school, or the kids as students. Nor do I recognize the parents of those kids as functional or caring.

Yes, the Asian kid was cool, but if their end-goal is to create a disposable, high-functioning citizen-widget then thats also shitty.

Extreme individualism vs extreme collectivism.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh
Well, the academic fundamentals need to be imparted in some structured environment.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh

Agreed. But your sentence is above would make no sense to that Black teacher. Pre-suppositions really matter.

What are the "fundamentals"? Who defines "academic"? What does "imparted" mean? Does everyone know what a "structured environment" is?

Sounds ridiculous, but this is precisely how we've ended up here. That's how you liquefy a culture.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh
You argue with the speech patterns and inflection of a Liberal. "It all depends on what 'is' means".

If you cannot understand plain English, then I cannot help you.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh

It's called internal critique - arguing your opponent's worldview by testing the internal logic of their own rules.

you exist now in a world where the exact same sentence means something completely different to 2 sets of people. different ontologies, epistemologies, etc..

and if you don't know, they'll convert your kids. "plain English" is not what you think it means.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh
You are more concerned with the "art of arguing" than finding solutions.

You are just like that blue-haired Destiny. That cuck with the strippers name.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh

I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion of me.

What i give a fuck about is talking about issues i care about at a higher level with people capable of thought.

I can see in that in this exchange, you've shown up completely unarmed. Go fuck yourself.

@Stahesh @sardonicsmile

Hehe, it's over dude.

I'll use simpler words for him next time, like "Good thing, Bad thing". He'll still behave like a salty lil bitch though.

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