It would be useful for people to know Spanish
Max Igan fled from Australia as a political refugee and chose Mexico instead of USA
I tried to learn multiple languages with grammatical gender and found them to difficult
I am trying to stick to learning new languages without grammatical gender
If I can learn one language without gender then I will consider trying to learn a new language with grammatical gender
It is useful but not unique because a lot of youtube people teach Spanish
Maybe if you teach one gender at a time for each lesson it will be easier to learn
For example only doing sentences with all masculine nouns, adjectives and verbs in one video
Then only only doing sentences with all feminine nouns, adjectives and verbs in one video
I am not saying verbs can be masculine or feminine in Spanish but they can be in Hebrew which is a nightmare language because of it
@shortstories I'm going to do both genders. Also words have male or female pronouns. Like the word "house" it's female. When you say "the house" in Spanish it's "la casa". The "La" word is the female word for "the", the male version is "El". There are a lot of nuances in Spanish. Writing it is worse you got accents on some letters. Fun times ahead! 😀
There are 36 different ways to say the word "the" in ancient Greek
If ancient Greek did not have gramnatical gender then there would only be 12 forms of "the"
If additionally it did not have grammatical number singular, dual or plural then there would only be 4 ways to say the word "the"
On the other hand English has 1 way to say the word "the"
Not having gramnatical gender cuts in half or one third the number of things you have to memorize
@shortstories that was just an example,
I bet leaning Japanese would be difficult to especially I have no point of reference.
Korean is easy
Japanese is hard
Korean & Japanese are similar but
Japanese has three alphabets plus a set of Chinese pictogram Characters
Korean has 1 Alphabet & only uses Chinese pictogram Characters for homophones
Many modern Koreans do not even use the Chinese pictograms
Why is Korean easy
1 Phonetic Alphabet
2 No gramnatical gender
3 You can choose to never use grammatical number but there is an optional grammatical plural for nouns but no singular. Verbs do not have number
@shortstories language is fun