@Tfmonkey Why would you be telling ppl to vote for trump anymore, the guy is jew controlled probably more than biden. He will send actual americans to go die for the jews in israhell so why are you telling people to go vote for him. You cant expect this corrupt system to ever unfuck itself, it is beyond saving. with Biden it will surely collapse and a new one can be born from its ashes, also no conscription or WW3, but with Trump, Jew suppremacy in the USA and WW3 is assured, boogaloo cancelled.


@37712 @Tfmonkey Even voting is joke to me.

Should I believe people of the system that counts the vote will not be biased and trust the people you are already do not trust

I have better things to do with my time than to go some build to throw meaningless vote.

Even the politicians do not represent me. So why even care?

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@37712 @Tfmonkey Not mentioning even if everything was believeble.

In the world where there is more stupid people than thinking people. So by democracy you are already losing because numbers are not in your favor

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey I lost any confidence in the voting system long ago. I remember a video in the 1990s about a whistleblower who worked as a programer for diebold, the company that makes voting machines, and he stated that he had been ordered to write the program so that politicians could rig the machines. Hacking organizations publish every year how they found 100+ ways how to hack the election machines, several of the hacks take less than 30 sec.

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