
@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I think this can be result of stupid hiring and corporate greed that just made biggest mistake in our history.

What if justfew business men wanted to make fast way.

And some random women used some stupid way to make it fast but with serious consequences and here are the result of some stupid women that were hired.

Many women in science what can go wrong🤡

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@Stahesh @Tfmonkey can't be the result of a plan to wipe out 80% of the population no it was women's fault duuuh

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey It can be but so far elites were pretty retarded with their plans and control.

Hard to tell what is exact cause . But it can be both lthe plan may be to kill 80% but they can use females to do it.

Every job becomes worse if the workers are females. They often use other men to do their job they cut corners and they do often pretty shitty jobs.

Not mentioning deaths caused by females nurses and doctors

often where is death due to negligence it is caused by woman.

@Stahesh @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I don't think the Time lapse these people LAST before they die Will Make a difference in the population the Game changer could be if they are also infertil and their offspring also infertil but if this isn't the case the death won't be enough to cut the population by 80% the only difference Is the lifespan will be reduce drastically but Not the size of the demográfico.

@VeganMGTOW @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey True most things are stupid and retarded. Hardly they make any sense.

Even as somebody from inteligence like TFM can't predict whats going on and what they will do next.

Only one thing is certain and that it will be stupid and retarded.

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