Imagine beign a vegan fag who is going to jail bc they want their kids to grow up vegan and malnourished.

And take a carrot up their butt.

are retarded.

@37712 @VeganMGTOW It's all fun and games until a leftist government takes over Italy and Uno reverses the policy to forbid meat consumption to whatever insane extents they wish.

Stop. State. Intervention.

If the kids die, then that's fewer leftist dipshits to deal with later.

@Wopu @37712 But what if these kids actually are stronger and smarter than the average meaning hard to brainwashing something the Goverment dislike.

If You don't believe me look into the stats Vegans tend to be in the Well educated population according to their own data.


@VeganMGTOW @Wopu @37712 I think we do not need to worry about things that will never happen😇

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