Imagine beign a vegan fag who is going to jail bc they want their kids to grow up vegan and malnourished.
And take a carrot up their butt.
#vegans are retarded.
@VeganMGTOW @Wopu vegans tend to be malnourished, less intelligent, smaller, and weak. Thats what all the stats say. Vegan kids have stunned growth in all areas.
@37712 @VeganMGTOW @Wopu
I think the malnourishment of vegan kids is caused by the aids their gay parents give them through anal rape, like monkeypox.
Yup, dumb vegan parents killing their children through veganism is just the trash taking itself out.
The problem corrects itself.
@UncleIroh @Wopu @37712 The sentiment mutual goes For Your mesthead
You don't get diabetes from eating keto/carnivore, it's the CURE for diabetes you dumb vegan fuck.
Also, you can't spell for shit. Your brain has turned to vegetables.
@UncleIroh @VeganMGTOW @Wopu agreed, vegas are fucking retarded.
@37712 this faggot re-drafted his post to make another typo.
@37712 @VeganMGTOW It's all fun and games until a leftist government takes over Italy and Uno reverses the policy to forbid meat consumption to whatever insane extents they wish.
Stop. State. Intervention.
If the kids die, then that's fewer leftist dipshits to deal with later.