
Boosting birth rate is not the same as boosting fertility

Someone could be able to become pregnant or to make someone pregnant but choose not to become pregnant nor to make someone pregnant

Someone could be willing to become pregnant or make someone pregnant but unable to become pregnant or make someone pregnant

You can boost birth rate without raising fertility if people try to reproduce at a younger age that is a legal age

The word fertility sounds like an agenda


@shortstories @sardonicsmile limit unhealthy foods promote healthy foods

Next stop women working, less government and promote men spaces and stop printing fuck ton of fake money.

After half to year we could see similar numbers to 20th century

We would need to wait at least 15 years for them to grow up

But I would be more focused on Quality over quantity less people but more better people over all

Like viltrumites protoss engineers (alien) Asgard (Stargate)

Not breed like zergs or animals

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