@RodrickSage Halsey's and TFM's narratives are two sides of the same coin, not unlike Dems and Reps and I expect they'll keep proving each other wrong as time goes on.

One side wants us to believe the West is unbeatable (as long as Israel backs them), the other wants us to think the East isn't owned by the same groups and is offering us a real alternative.

In reality, there is no side to root for and WW3 will be a controlled affair to reset the world order and turn every country into China.


@Based_Accelerationist @RodrickSage Yea russia must be controled because there is no reason for Russia to cuck out from west.

Because if they were true enemies they would push harder so russian enemies do not have chance to fight back.

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@Stahesh Russia will fight the West, when it's time for the final Gog&Magog war. But for now they're still entertained "de-nazifying" Ukraine by killing slavs. When Trump gets in power his handlers will leave Europe to deal with Russia in Ukraine while they set their sights on Iran. Eventually there will be a false flag and then you won't see any cucking, except maybe from Israel, as they leave the fighting to their puppets.

@Based_Accelerationist @Stahesh What is Putin is part of the Cathedral and they are creating this movie part of the Syria stuff just to keep You busy thinking about other nations problems instead of You near problems like getting the money to pay rent stuff like that

@VeganMGTOW Putin seems to be team Chabad, no cathedrals required.

As for this war being a movie created to distract us from our actual lives... no. People don't care. They don't actually give two shits about Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine or Syria. Just because we hear it constantly on TV and online from the money hungry pundits, it doesn't mean the average person gives it much thought. To most, it's no different than sports, something to occasionally discuss when you're bored.

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