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Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

@Stahesh @dander The system. It is based on jews' values: the thing that defines status and success in society is how much fiat money that jews created out of thin air you have in "your" bank account.
Therefore the system controls normies by rewarding their blind obedience and compliance with fake digits.

It's fine when you see their money and power are really illusory. Smart people live off the system by maximizing their freedom with minimum effort.

Stahesh boosted
@Tfmonkey Woman are more violent than man, they just have easier life. Look up source on violence in lesbian couples. Woman are usually violent against these whom they perceive weaker than them.
Stahesh boosted

I think it's funny how we never had female school shooters until they started roiding women with testosterone who identified as men.

I get why the government wants to promote effeminate men and cut boys dicks off, but transmen are becoming a real menace.

They have all the violent tendencies of men without the IQ or second order thinking of men.

Congratulations, you've recreated black people.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

if you do not know who these two are, your childhood was not as good as it could have been.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
More kike villainy:

"Jews have been raging after a California license plate marked as “LOLOCT7” was spotted on a Tesla Cybertruck. The California DMV has apologized and vowed to recall the license plate.

This appears to be a big misunderstanding. The plate belongs to a Filipino and the term “LOLO” refers to being a grandfather.
This was not a case of intentional Jew-hate but the Jews look for hatred towards them everywhere and will complain about the most myopic of things even when it is not warranted.
This type of faggot whining is only going to cause people to hate them more. Even if the plate did refer to the October 7th attacks, the fact that the Jews are bitching about it to this extent is ridiculous. They don’t know how to pick their battles."
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

I remember many times reading personal accounts of people mention how "we were eating good" when they got a paycheck or extra money in some way. But later on I read them say how they would be struggling to pay bills and only have ramen to eat.

I realize that I could never see eye to eye with such people since I would never find myself blowing so much money just because I appeared to have extra. Long term thinking, it is not for everyone, it seems.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

I understand Halsey protecting his people but, the alligatiln keep showing up with evidence..

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