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"Booster 12 arrived at the launch site for what is suspected to be the static fire campaign. Furthermore, Ship 31 continues to progress toward a full heat shield, and more tower parts are installed for the second integrated launch tower."
~9 minutes

NSF video:

@Jewpacabra These are all good questions. Personally, I think many Americans would likely enjoy visiting a country that didn’t tolerate trannies, perverted shit, and all other forms of Judaism. I won’t ever convert to Islam but I see good values there and I think we can learn from them.
@JoshuaSlocum Biden wouldn't be president if his crime family didn't know where plenty of bodies are buried. He was sent in to neutralize Bernie Sanders, and the same tactics were used there that later stole the general election.

It turns out if you hire a gangsta you get some gangsta shit.
@cosmonautkatyusha Difference is he cares about space and jews don't care what he does there.
@Myles @judgedread There's nothing good faith about you, dude.

Fuck off.


"I explained this already. I kill their social proof. It's the same reaction I got from NJP when I questioned their effectiveness."

That's definitely your biggest batch of haters. They don't like being reminded that they are useless to most men.

Falcon 9 booster B1076 lands for the 15th time, after the Turksat 6A mission.

Looks like @VaxxSabbath got banned from Poast.

Perhaps they didn't like his Redpilled position on Women.

Biden chance of sticking around now above zero and rising.

I don't buy the donors having absolute power to kick him out. If Biden is the candidate and Trump is 15 points ahead in September the shitlib billionaires will scramble to donate to all Democrats, including sleepy Joe.
Religion means whatever those in power say it means.

That's how you take whatever theology you're stuck with and make it compatible with Darwinian racial science.
@StarProphet You got trolled. I swiftly block griefers from malicious troll instances because their game is to bait you into breaking some rule and getting you banned. It's a standard antifa tactic, many of these people are essentially site wreckers and purely destructive.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.