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Josh Shapiro was passed over for three reasons.

1. His hyperzionist hatred for Palestinians.
2. The danger that in the event of the ticket winning jews, needing a messiah, would send Murder Inc. out to accomplish that task.
3. Joe Lieberman factor. A jew is a lazy, uninspiring running mate.
@Based_Accelerationist Everyone will send support if Israel is attacked, including AOC and Rand Paul. US gov is wholly owned by Israel.

What they won't do is a draft. If Israel demands it they will carefully explain that the US can't help Israel if D.C. is in flames besieged by a monster convoy.

Politics is the art of the possible.
Interesting observation from AC comment section
Apparently our DEI Navy can no longer restock ships at sea without them crashing into each other, so the ships are limited to what they can carry when they leave port

Falcon 9 booster B1080 RTLS, after completing Cygnus NG-21 cargo resupply mission to ISS.

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk

@Based_Accelerationist Trump is antiwar in his instincts. He will cut a deal with Putin, cut a deal with Netanyahu, anything other than the draft which every GOP adept knows almost destroyed the country during Vietnam.

NIXON ended the draft to neutralize the insurrection that was ongoing - and it worked.

Trump will increase pay to solve the recruiting crisis. Money printer will take care of the costs.

Blackpilled dipshit socks like yourself know nothing but griefer online culture. Don't think you can lecture adults about real world politics.
'Stop replying' is my sneaky top secret code phrase for 'shut up or get blocked.'

🎂 Happy Landiversary to the Curiosity rover - the Mars rover touched down at Bradbury Landing on August 6, 2012.

Images taken by the Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) and by the Front Right Hazcam. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems and NASA/JPL-Caltech

#Mars #Curiosity #rover #Sol0 #CuriosityRover #Bradbury #Landing #BradburyLanding #anniversary #touchdown #science #STEM #engineering #NASA #Astrodon

The Great Resignation = stochastic general strike.
@db Trump victory is the mass sedation play.

Remember, antifa crackpots who hate Trump are outnumbered 50 to one by plan trusting MAGApedes.
Remember, the police are not equipped physically or psychologically for combat.

One negro veteran with combat experience killed five cops in minutes and they had to send a robot with a self destruct charge to take him out.
Remember: Installing Trump is a jew mistake, that's why I hope they make it.
Ceausescu's Romania was one of the most ruthless police states in history.

It dissolved in hours.


I just wrote my first proper blog post on my new site! It talks about my experience as a Twitter refugee and trying to feel at home in the Fediverse.

#blog #fedi #fediverse

@Aly Good, loot drops are always fun to have (see: female cops)
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.