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@Jewpacabra Modern conservatism was literally founded by a closeted faggot, William F. Buckley Jr., and herded by another, Rush Limbaugh, for thirty years. Jack Kemp was another. You can spot the non-fags because they sometimes get out of line and get purged, Newt Gingrich for example.
@Aly Team A is the coalition of freaks that want White genocide yesterday. Trannies are 100% Team A, and exemplify pure antinomian evil. In more general terms Team A is the left wing of the jew opinion spectrum.

Team B is the coalition of order, the neocons, the support your local police types who want Whites yoked long term as slaves of the jews. But because their plans are less destructive Team B has far more non-pathological non-jews aligned with it. It's the right wing of the jew opinion spectrum.

Climate bullshit, faggot marriage, tranny psychosis, BLM, antifa and socialized medicine are Team A initiatives.

Invasion of Iraq, tax cuts, broken window policing (zero tolerance for any crime), pro-business policy and drill baby drill are Team B initiatives.
The Democrat problem is they want to quietly swap out Biden for not-Kamala but Kamala ain't playin'. She says it's either her and Joe or her at the top of the ticket.

If she sticks to her guns there will be a convention fight, as I doubt they will declare Joe the candidate without a struggle.

Payload processing building at Starbase, TX. A “Pez Dispenser” loading box with 7 meter Starlink 2.0 satellites.

Kikes hate the japs because they're smart, clean and united. Simple as. Its the main reason they hate whites. Above and beyond historical hatreds and vendettas. I have maintained that view of why kikes hate since forever.


Difference between V1 forward fins of older Ship prototypes, and the V2 forward fins of Ship 33 (smaller and placed further away from windward).

#Space #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk

Revelation of the Method has a dual purpose.

It demoralizes the most aware and helps surface them.

They take a head count of the noticers and make a little list.
@Frank That's the plan but it won't work. They can't make young American women attractive wives again.
@judgedread A Christian might have some moral qualms about exterminating the entire bloodline of everyone involved in grooming and sterilizing their son, settling for the mere crucifixion of the perpetrators themselves.

Elon isn't Christian, has a lot of money, and lives in a highly plutocratic society. If I were one of these groomers I'd take my chances with Trevor's soundproof room over what Elon has in store for them. Messing with Elon may have been Team A's greatest mistake.
The attempted hit on Trump was a six sigma error.
Elon is so enraged at the grooming and sterilization of his child by trannypedo freaks that he is all-in on Trump.

If you think that does not matter unfollow me quietly. I don't want to read your putrid doomer spasms or even imagine my words are being wasted on filth like you.

"We recently completed New Glenn’s first stage test of its six landing legs—a key area for reusability, which lowers the cost of access to space. The landing gear stow inside the rocket during flight, deploying as the booster gently touches down on our landing vessel at sea."

To Trump the assassination attempt was the work of the 'loony left' not 'the jews' because some of his best 'friends' are jews, and many jews are pouring tens of millions of dollars into his campaign via superpacs.

Team A and B are too esoteric for his conventional mindset.

The new SpaceX HQ will be in Starbase, TX. After leaving Hawthorne, CA.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.