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"man why don't people lionize black criminals?" black criminals:
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@ChristiJunior @kf01 It's perfectly fine to depict a chaste woman, be it a nun or a happily married woman who isn't available to you. The problem is the total repudiation of any sort of feminine virtue. Women don't have to be sex toys, but they should still be women.
I seen the first one in the theater with my son and wasn't bad but hell I got time so I might watch 2 then 3 lol
Women are just the fun police, change my mind.

The perfect wife doesn't ex ..

>Even young boys inherently know that: zero authority + 100% responsibility = slavery
No one is signing up for that. Make women property again.

Based. Though property has value.
>The reality does not owe you shit for being born with a cunt. You can buy all variety of artificial cunts at any chink marketplace nowadays. If you want males to have relationship with you, you shouldn't be a vile bloodsucking bitch who tries to gouge them for having an access to a cunt. You should make yourself pleasant to be around and be with, and then they will want some of that. Nobody wants vile abrasive bitches. Or you can cohabit with dildos and cats, your choice. Free country, nobody forces you into particular behavior.

>I was just at a wedding. The conversation about all of the women everyone kept harassing me to talk to was essentially, "You could put up with her, right?" No positive qualities mentioned. Overweight aging women with sour faces. I guess the underlying idea was that, as a man, I just want a wet hole, I desperately want a hole, I'd do anything to get access to a hole! I am not beautiful but I am intelligent and well read and I have my hobbies and side jobs to keep occupied in addition to my boring career. I wish I had enough money for a home. I would like someone to have a conversation with. I would like someone who seems like they enjoy being around me. I don't understand when the cultural conversation became, "How about you man up and endure this boring loser so you can fuck her hole? Come on, man, we want grandkids! Now go over there and do a song and dance routine for her. Her mind has been fried by Instagram and Tiktok but I'm sure she might decide you're worthy enough to buy her some hog slop on a date! We believe in you!"

>There is saying in my hometown of women over 25 who have not marry
"She stink like the fish on market no one want" i think this speak volumes

Until it happens to them. In the words of a better man than I, "40 to 80 years old is a long damn time."
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