Someone in my personal life almost blew my cover on womens rights....

My disdain for normies is at an all time high.

Plans for tiktok/YT shorts channel waking people up have been scrapped.

Normies can go get boosted.

So did you reveal your views to some midwit who then thought they could cash that in for social validation points if they throw you under the bus?



I was talking with a (FAKE) friend about how annoying the draft was.

I simply pointed out the fact that for me to vote I HAD to register for the draft and all things being equal women should be drafted too if they wanted to vote.


Then goes to tell a female coworker of mine that I was against womens rights so he could get brownie points!

I blame myself for trying to have an adult conversation with a smooth brain...


@basedbagel @UncleIroh You forgot the first two rules of Fight Club.

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@Tfmonkey @basedbagel
Shucks, they grow up so fast. Bagel, I feel like a proud father. You popped an important cherry today.

Nice work.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey

In hindsight I shouldn't have said anything.

I feel so stupid right now. I really believed...

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey

Yeah, I made that.

Assuming you still want your message out there, where's the error in that meme?

It's the IRL bit. Be a gray man instead.

The lesson being taught to us all in real-time is that the only people who have a chance at telling the risk-it-all truth right now are literally billionaires. Now look at how it's going for Elon and Ye, both fighting a no-shit war right now.

You don't have FU money so don't be dumb.

Go pseudonymous online if you want to help.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey

In my rage I think I wasn't clear enough.

I still want to help people, just annoyed by brainlets.

Think TFM v destiny. One person wanted to win a debate, the other wanted a conversation.

I didn't want to redpill anyone. I was just answering a question only for it to be used against me later. (Watch destiny's "debate with TFM on his channel edited to make him look as bad as possble)

I know I need to move better until I get FU money but nobody like being blindsided.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
You end up developing a 6th sense for this stuff. In the meantime you earned an armor lootbox, use it.

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