
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @37712 @basedbagel It's been replaced by "Female Dating Strategy". WGTOW was only relevant when MGTOW was more mainstream (i.e. not banned from all major social media platforms as it currently is)

The new "womanosphere" is the "Female Dating Strategy" shit.

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@Tfmonkey @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @37712 @basedbagel

>"Female Dating Strategy"

Right, this. It's absolute cancer. If you want to see a mix of bitches who thinks they're the hottest shit since sliced bread and the sociopath level of no empathy whatsoever for men, this is your sub

@coolboymew @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey

Female dating strategy?

This has to be some practical joke.

All they need to do is:

1. Not be fat/bitchy
2. Exist in desired man's line of sight.


If you can't follow do that your IQ isn't high enough for you to breed.

@basedbagel @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey wrong, modern woman dating strategy

1 be a whore
2 exist on tinder


@coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey

😂 @37712 You're not wrong but I was talking about legit dating.

The reason why female dating strategies confuses is me because a woman's role is mostly passive.

Also you're kind of outing yourself as an undesirable woman.

Attractive/non-bitchy women don't need "dating strategies" as they have enough guys going at them

@basedbagel @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey

Wife material dating strategy

1 not be fat
2 not be bitchy
3 stay virgin
4 exist in line of sight of high value male


@37712 @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey

Let's keep it real you're not finding a virgin in the states so lets just remove #3 but other than that you're SPOT ON.

The fact that women have an ENTIRE movement dedicated to oversimplify shit you just broke down in 1 tweet just proves their low iq

@basedbagel @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey my girl was a virgin when I found her, there are still women who stay virgin in to their 18, that is why I support the Idea of men in their 25 - 40 to date for marriage girls in their 16 - 18 but if it is only for sex then just pick any of the left over women past their 20s, a girl past her 20s is already a whore even by today's standards

@37712 @basedbagel @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu You can find virgins over the age of 18 as long as they're religious. Conversely, being 16 years old doesn't mean she's a virgin. Girls are losing their virginity as soon as they hit puberty at age 11 these days.

Also, please stop broadcasting how you like underage girls. How many times do I have to tell you people to keep that shit to yourselves? I don't WANT to know that about you.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

first I already have someone in my life I am not looking for underage girls, I support the Amish and Muslim way of marriage and dating that they marry their girls at a young age to men who are much older than them, men who can actually financially support then and start a family, not men who are still finishing college and such.

@37712 @Tfmonkey @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

I agree with you in principle but IMO Muslims a little too early.

I don't think a woman should get married before 16 and I heard they marry their girls off before that and I don't get but I know better than to criticize muslims.

Another thing is I really don't want a wife >10 year age gap. I know women aren't smart but when you pass 10 years you can't even relate because you're a different generation.

@Tfmonkey @coolboymew @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

11?!🤢 How is that possible when they barely started puberty?

But its hard to find a religious girl because most want a religious guy and i left the church. i DAMN sure didn't find any in college.

😂 I don't think @37712 meant like that But JIC you did:

if you're >30 dating a 16 year old... There's a >0% chance her dad will send you Jesus.

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