@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey don't know where the sudden @VooDooMedic hate came from but I am a voodoo respecter and appreciator. There's nothkng wrong with being gay.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic I don't think anyone "hates" VooDoo. I think the gays are just a soft target, when it comes to making fun of them. As guys *anything* that suggests "not manly" is gay. Who am I to judge? These guys were talking about orgies they were invited to and I can't get a girlfriend... Monk Mode is safer, but it would be a pleasant fiction to have a sweet girlfriend who is into me; that isn't *more* sexually experienced than I am; at a younger age. Its Nature

@ButtWorldsMan @sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey it a shame I missed the show could've had some good back and forth but I needed to sleep before I had work later that night haha

And yes that guy was super upset lol

Also side note,
Hate only comes from below you

Just keep that in mind haha

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