@Tfmonkey How did you first come to the conclusion to repeal the 19th with such rampant censorship and disinformation?

I try to research things now and it's a giant pain in the ass to cut through the noise.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey Your generation,is Fucked,as a Gen X’er it was in our face we had to figure it out,I had an apprentice tradesmen a Puerto Rican kid 19 couldn’t do fucking math to “Mucho make it happen”,we were in an area where his phone was un available,and he had no clue.He told me I reminded him of the old white lady math teacher who obviously tried to help him.I said why,cause I can use math in my brain with out a calculator.Then I went on to say fuck I guess math is racist.


@Scubbie @basedbagel words are magic spells. People call things a word to make them go away as long as it's effective.

If you're a woman, everything you don't like is "rape"

If you're non-white, everything you don't like is "racist"

White men are the only ones who can't take levels in Wizard due to race restrictions.

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