Yo @Tfmonkey I've never heard you talking about the fungus. The fungus amongus. This will interest you.


@ButtWorldsMan being shirtless while wearing sunglasses indoors makes a powerful statement.

and that statement is that you're high.

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The blurb under his name is "Chief of Tomfoolery."

@Tfmonkey Later on after the guy in the bottom middle leaves the five of them are all shirtless. I understand it's not as professional as the standards you hold yourself up to, but if Nick had any mexicans mowing his lawn the mic couldn't possibly pick it up.

@ButtWorldsMan My theory is that they did originally cook up COVID in a lab to be "super SARS" but it fizzled out in a couple of months just like SARS/MERS did in the past, so they just started blaming flu deaths (and I guess fungus deaths) on COVID to keep the crisis going to try and push their whole agenda through.

Controlling the behavior of organisms like viruses is apparently harder than stealing elections.

@Tfmonkey if you recall at the very start of this as the wu flu was traveling across the world we were told that this hyper virus that we should all be scared of had people choke on their lung fluids. I distinctly remember this. If it was the fungus I'd wonder how it got around as quickly as the coof did. Remember how everyone suddenly needed those machines to help them breathe all over the world. I'm not sure about this fungus, but don't know enough to dismiss it.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The first incident I was aware of waas before it was announced, I guy on my crew A veteran was hospitalized in the VA my whole crew got sick but we put on sweaters and worked through sweat it out The attack

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