@zebuceta @37712 @Tfmonkey making sure you win in your own way and have an easier and more enjoyable life is what the game of life is ultimately about. If you die happy and fulfilled, you win.


@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta @37712 BRICS is slow rolling not out of respect for the big brains in charge of the West, but because they are worried America will nuke them out of spite and they need to arrange things in such a way as to create a checkmate scenario and prevent a nuclear exchange.

Beating the West wouldn't be hard at this point, but doing so without being nuked is much more difficult.

@Tfmonkey @zebuceta @37712 I do think they know they're slowly losing, which is why they're just trying to delay the inevitable, even doing things out of desperation.

@Tfmonkey @zebuceta @37712 If you accept the inevitable now, you lose now. It's over. But if you delay, there's just this small chance, this small hope, that through the reality of the uncertain future, that something just may happen that could turn the tide or benefit those delaying. Maybe something new could be invented. Maybe a big rock hits moscow. But as long as there's uncertainty in the future, there's a chance. Thus, delaying is the best course of action if they can't do anything else.

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