@Tfmonkey Before you repeat that 9/11 wasn't an inside job another time, you might want to watch this video from a source you know, Redacted with Clayton Morris and his TERF wife:


I don't know what made you think the US government wasn't involved, especially when their motive is so clear and their lies so obvious.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey are tou saying that TFM actually believes the 911 story from the government

@37712 @Tfmonkey He stated it a few times, including in today's show. He says the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition (with explosives) BUT that the government secretly did it to save lives by preventing the buildings from fragmenting and collapsing on more civilians. He says that because of the government's "white lie" about the collapse, people blew it out of proportion and wrongly think that the US government orchestrated the attack.


@Based_Accelerationist @37712 Clayton from Redacted believed in aliens. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a rational analyst. It's also easy to connect the dots in reverse by seeing how the government USED 9-11 to give themselves more power, and conclude that such was a plan, and not simply "not letting a good crisis go to waste".

If you want a more accurate story of what happened, there was a docudrama called "The Path of 911" which was scrubbed by the Clintons that I recommend.

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@Tfmonkey @37712 True, Clayton can be a little gullible (you kinda have to, if you marry a feminist). I will refrain from judgement until I watch that documentary you mentioned.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 I found it uploaded on YouTube. It aired once on ABC, and was never aired again because it made the Clintons look bad for letting Osama Bin Laden get away (which is true).

It was never released on DVD or anything either.


@Tfmonkey @37712 Thanks for the links. very cool. I'll be watching it tomorrow :)

Btw, out of topic, but I think another reason why the US and the EU are letting in so many military-age men, is to draft them to fight Russia/China in WW3. If I'm not mistaken, they are giving them citizenship in the US if they enlist in the army. If you suddenly need to fight a war, after destroying your own male population with chemicals and sex-change operations, then opening your borders might be a good idea.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 Yes, they are hoping that they join the military, but they were previously hoping that they would get jobs and be productive, and that didn't exactly work out.

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