"conservative women" saying that because they spoke out against man-hating radical feminism that any talk to taking their rights away is a betrayal are like white people on welfare saying that because they're racist against black people on welfare that they should be able to keep their welfare, and any talk of the welfare state being bankrupt and unsustainable is a betrayal.

@Tfmonkey But TFM muh 'Half the Women would support losing their rights because 40ish% vote republican in popular vote' so they're based and our allies. (I've had this as a counter argument)


@FinalDresdonation you don't need to rely on secondary inferences. See how quickly conservative women clutch their pearls when you bring up patriarchy, even after claiming that they support "conservative values".

If conservative women supported "conservative values" and the nuclear family, they would support losing their rights, which destroy both.

What they want is to virtue signal by making noises with their mouth that cost them nothing while being part of the problem.

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