
"conservative women" saying that because they spoke out against man-hating radical feminism that any talk to taking their rights away is a betrayal are like white people on welfare saying that because they're racist against black people on welfare that they should be able to keep their welfare, and any talk of the welfare state being bankrupt and unsustainable is a betrayal.

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@Tfmonkey agreed but what are you seeing that brought this up monkey.

@Tfmonkey I think I hate conservative women more than liberal women this past year. At least liberal women are somewhat consistent and honest with their views or they try to be. Conservatives women just want to have it both ways and manipulate both tradcons and male feminist into serving them. They’re the ultimate masterminds. A bunch of pathetic weasels.

@Tfmonkey i have been participating in the "why wont men get married" argument happening on twitter the past week. its fucking sisyphean. i try to explain simple actionable improvements like abolishing no fault alimony, no fault child support, and family court reforms. no matter how many times everyone, EVERYONE just completely ignores it, and acts confused like theres no possible solution and men just have to get married anyway. i hate them all and i want them to die.

@Tfmonkey Yea I'm conservative. I conserve my right to pimp slap a bitch.


Taking away the voting rights of all women is beneficial for most conservative voting women because most women vote against the conservative stuff

Therefor if conservative women really want conservative stuff they then they will be more likely to get conservative stuff by taking the votes away from all women

Than by allowing all women ( including themselves ) to vote and being outnumbered by women who vote anti conservative for the small number of conservative votes they get

@Tfmonkey But TFM muh 'Half the Women would support losing their rights because 40ish% vote republican in popular vote' so they're based and our allies. (I've had this as a counter argument)

@FinalDresdonation you don't need to rely on secondary inferences. See how quickly conservative women clutch their pearls when you bring up patriarchy, even after claiming that they support "conservative values".

If conservative women supported "conservative values" and the nuclear family, they would support losing their rights, which destroy both.

What they want is to virtue signal by making noises with their mouth that cost them nothing while being part of the problem.

@Tfmonkey my issue isn’t that there’re “conservative women” speaking out against man-hating feminism, rather, trad cucks are taking their word as gospel, rather than acknowledging that these “conservative women” support feminism. Only the quote on quote “good parts”

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