
Nothing but anime girls on the timeline, so I guess Hezbollah cucked out and Globohomo wins. God dammit.

@Tfmonkey Hasn't even been a day and you're already walking out of the theater. Calm down, this shit has only started.

@Tfmonkey Well TBF it's hard to get minute by minute updates since Israel cut off Gaza's Internet. That doesn't really excuse Hezbollah, though. They need to shit or get off the pot NOW.
@Tfmonkey I'm team not happening from the start, since every side has more reasons to cuck.
But let's wait and see ww1 started a month later after the assassination of franz ferdinand
@Tfmonkey Is there a specific thing Hezbollah is supposed to have cucked out on or is it just a general statement?

@Tfmonkey Its not a good sign but Israel has yet to actually launch a real ground invasion, they have only continued bombing and tunnel clearing. Israel seems to be delaying their ground invasion for some reason. Perhaps one of their generals (rather unfortunately) came to their senses. . . .

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