
Watching Jews cry about antisemitism and invoking the holocaust while they actively commit genocide is right up there with Jews using their vast network of control to punish anyone who points out that Jews have a vast network of control.

@Tfmonkey You might really enjoy Dave Chappelle's monologue after Kanye West went Defcon. He went hard on the Jews, but did it in a way that they'd look really bad for going after him.

@Tfmonkey It's getting wild with the amount of normies noticing things now, starting with the coof a series of events have woken a lot of people up and they actually talk about it now. I get a lot of you were rights now, but I took you advice a long time ago, to be quiet, don't try to change hearts/minds. I think you're right it's far too late for meaningful change without collapse, that ship sailed long ago when tradcucks refused to fight back. The current Jew smackdown is funny AF tho lol ngl

@UnpopularOpinion @Tfmonkey

If the average white Christian starts noticing, and most importantly, if Churches start unpicking the fake Judaeo-Christian bullshit lie that's been sold to them, Jews are finished.

Same as if a wife suddenly decides that marriage is a bullshit concept, well then there is no marriage. It's gone for good.

Same for patriotic army recruitment, vaccine trust & any social contract "idea". If people stop believing, it's gone for good.

@Tfmonkey I think the dirty little word would be Rothschild. IE the fact that they have been war profiteering for well over 200 years. The rest of the jewish population need to break themselves off from those parasites. But most will not because that cash is some good Kool-Aid.

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