How @Tfmonkey reacted to the realization the government has been fucking with natural gas prices this whole year nonstop


@ButtWorldsMan I knew they were manipulating it, but I assumed they would realize that it would backfire and cause a massive hyperinflationary doom-loop and stop at some point . . . my bad.

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@Tfmonkey I'm not criticizing. This 2011 tucker tweet is making the rounds.

I put about $50 into UNG. Sure, it didn't perform according to common sense, but I can lose $50 without it killing me.

I'm gonna let it ride. Yes, it will probably crash and burn or get sized, but the journey of that money will be the story of America's collapse.

If the unlikely happens, than at some point that $50 will turn back into inflation adjusted $50 at some point in the future.

Which way doomcash?

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Has this caused you to remove upper limits from your assumptions on how far they're willing to pursue Martingale strategies?

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