
They added a 3rd person shooter class into Path of Exile, so you can now play a F2P Diablo game like it's a twin-stick shooter.

This actually looks like a LOT of fun.

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@Stahesh @Tfmonkey Which is also fucking disgusting. Just play D1 or D2 like a normal gamer with a sense of taste and decency.

@Tfmonkey If you're interested in a really fun and cool diablo-like, twin stick shooter that's in a cyberpunk setting, look into The Ascent.

Played it co-op with friend and also solo. Can confirm it's fucking great.

@Tfmonkey basically just do literally anything other than support blizzard. Fuck them faggots.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
I'm waiting for Path of Exile 2 for years now. I played one to heart's content and it will probably be 2024 best game, hands down.
Fuck Diablo and anything from Bethesda really

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