
combining the two videos in my video editing software turned a 3GB file into a 36GB file, so I'm downloading the stream from Rumble to post it everywhere because it's one complete file, but it contains the 10 minute countdown, but such is life.

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@Tfmonkey use avidemux best cut or joing software, retains original videoo's parameters

@realman543 @Tfmonkey because this software doesn't even rerender the video or reprocess it, just screw , nut and bolt , ejaculate then evacuate

@Tfmonkey I watch on rumble, pass out and watch it the next day. Rumble works great. If I want to download the audio I use

@Tfmonkey TFM: Pardon my ignorance. So, if our thoughts are not things and are independent of us, then which part of us is influenced by these thoughts? Which part [of us] manifests emotions our thoughts conjure up? Anger, happiness, sadness, longing? Does it make sense to not allow ourselves to feel these emotions, since they are triggered by thoughts?

I hope I worded that question correctly.

@sardonicsmile you choose to be influenced. You can hold onto a thought and be influenced by it or you can dismiss it and let it fade away.

This is why motivational speakers make a lot of money. They create thoughts in people's minds that they want to influence them.

Marketing creates thoughts that you can choose to allow to influence you or not.

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