@Tfmonkey can I make average or minimum wage trading forex using overbought and oversold strategy regularly?


@Stahesh no, most daytraders lose money, but you can earn a tidy income selling your "system" for trading FOREX to gullible retards on the internet.

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@Tfmonkey my dream of making money without going to stupid job. That I could make from home😭

@Tfmonkey @Stahesh TFM is so hard against the Forex market because it can be manipulated,but what about just buying and holding another currency not based of the dollar as a hedge against the collapse of the dollar

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey I thought about day trading to make some money and be free.😞

I do not worry about dollar so far Czech Republic has Czech koruna(crown). In worse case we will have euro.

If I wanted to sell something I have better ideas than books or courses for trading.

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