@shortstories @LysanderMooner you can be like Constantine and see Jesus as a manifestation of the broader divine. He thought Jesus was a manifestation of Sol Invictus. Alan Watts talked about Jesus being a Buddha.
Personally, I think Christianity is a shit religion, and was only beneficial when joined with a healthy dollop of Roman traditions and values, which have long since been removed.
However you can still acknowledge Jesus as you pursue your own spiritual path.
@Scubbie are you full of the holy Spirit and walking with Jesus?
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner Christianity Is Cuckery Made Religion
@VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner Vegans worship the cuckery Jesus with the dietary law
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner This dietary Law is to avoid diseases and don't be defenless when reach eldery age you do you.
@Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner I like my Jesus,age 12-30 years old,coming of age Jesus,learning to become a man,searching out the world for the lost Tribes of Israel Shamans to learn ancient miracles ,Water to wine from a drunken master,Cast out demons into pigs from a Druid,walk on water from Ninja etc…