@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey someone who had nothing to say nor did protest.

Painfully obvious what you are trying to do. If you spent as much time doing show prep and research for The TFM Show rather than searching for curated incidents to bolster your racist confirmation bias, then TFM would not have to repeatedly explain concepts and ideas to you.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey then please show me indian who isn't making an absolute mockery of their entire species of people who isnt cheating lying or stealing their way into SOMEONE elses country fuck off with your "not all" fallacy bullshit i dont care that SOME might be good i want them ALL gone i want MY country to be MY country in 100 years just like i want THEIR country to remain THEIRS they only seem to succeed in west, why is that? Is it because we constantly pander and promote them?


@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile I've never had a problem with Indian immigrants my entire life until recently. They tend to be similar to asians and are polite, hard working and law-abiding.

the problem is the Leftist governments started taking the bottom of the barrel from India because things haven't worked out as expected with the Africans and Middle Eastern immigrants, but they need to protect their welfare state and feminism.

@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile Rajasthan (the rape capital of India) happens to be the ancestral birthplace of the gypsies. Mystery solved.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile Just like Jews
Theirs a reason these parasites keep on getting kicked out of so many nations

Thats assuming current NWO mainstream history
can be trusted
and it wasnt fabricated

@Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile the same can be said for mudslimes they're seemingly fine in small numbers with no political power but in greater numbers they think the country belongs to them now

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile To be fair, if they have greater numbers than the "native" population in a democracy, the country indeed belongs to them.

@Zeb @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey Well, that is a mischaracterization. If they are legally migrating and pledging fidelity then they belong to the country. Any other scenario is an invasion, fraudulent, with intent to deceive, and or other form of illegal immigration.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Agreed. I think there is a concerted position taken against India since it could not be brought in as a "client State" but instead deemed a "rogue State" insofar as The Pentagon and establishment media is concerned. They refused to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty with Israel and N Korea and the Pentagon doesn't like that. I also understand that the US, under Nixon and UK threatened to drop Nukes if they did not comply; the USSR intervened and the mission was aborted.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile TFM check out the discussion about Indians enriching White Nations over here

Blair and Joel Show - rumble.com/v5rjqkn-its-not-about-race.html?
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