@Tfmonkey Hows it going after 4 weeks

Are you doing OMAD also ?

@charliebrownau no, I eat when I'm hungry, generally twice a day and sometimes three if I'm working late.

@Tfmonkey Fair enough
ll be going back to eating twice a year this year
2.30pm and 6.30pm

Hows Meat/seafood only going thou ? Have you talked about the difference on the show ?

@charliebrownau It's fine, and I don't feel "bored" of eating beef like I usually do when doing keto. I normally eat mostly bacon, eggs, and chicken when I do keto because they're cheaper, and get sick of them quickly, but I'm not getting sick of eating steak.

someone told me it's because red meat has more essential amino acids than other meats, but I haven't verified that.

@Tfmonkey TFM in the Next 3 years from now "Why colon surgery Is so expencive" 😆😆😆

@Tfmonkey Always interested in those George Foreman Grills.

It looks like you are correct and Right about how "later on life" sickness is becoming commonplace now. They are definitely trying to kill us.


@Tfmonkey Okay, US sounds like a dystopia. But hold on a minute, 4$ stake? Sign me up!H1B here I come.

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