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@Zeb @Scubbie If the US tries to enslave Latin America, I guarantee you they will run to BRICS and tell the US to pound sand.

Debt slavery and corruption only work until you push people so far, and the existence of BRICS makes that tolerance threshold much lower that otherwise.

@Shini_Koroshi that would make a hilarious Home-Alone style booby trap

@Crouchingshittingtiger no government system is immune to a lazy population who does nothing as they're enslaved. No piece of paper will save you from your own weakness.

"I'm going to put on my fucking SS uniform and start goose-stepping around." - TFM

@hindudindu I was curious and tried this, and this is exactly what my autocorrect spit out (selected the middle recommended words)

"Women are the most wonderful people and I love them very well so much to my love for each of them to have sex and a good thing for you and I."

My phone sounds like a horny migrant.

I will be joining LoveNestle for their anniversary stream and they'll be giving up sex dolls during the stream. Tune in!

@shortstories @Twothousandshadows printing money is great as long as the people who produce everything accept your printed money.

@Twothousandshadows it's not that he doesn't understand it, but that to explain it would undermine the narrative.

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